Posts and Pages

Writing with Markdown

This post intends to show you how to format a Markdown file to write a post or a page.
The bellow instructions are applicable if you want to create a post or a page by yourself.
Otherwise, head over the administration page to create with ease.

The most important tool for this task is the IDE, Integrated Development Environment, that you're using. I'm using the one and only VS Code, the best IDE in my opinion, with Prettier as a well known extension for VS Code Prettier - Code formatter. Another great VS Code extension to write in Markdown with ease is Markdown All in One. If you are using another IDE, look for an addon/plugin/extension to format your Markdown files while writing a post or a page.


To write a post, head to the posts folder under the views folder and create a new Markdown file. A Markdown file ends with .md. If you are using VS Code, I've already setup snippets to generate Markdown front matter in the .vscode folder, all you have to do is press Ctrl+spacebar and choose the Blog-Doc Post Frontmatter, you'll be served with the following block:

date: 2022/11/12
featuredImage: /static/images/
tags: []

Type the title of your post, the date is automatically generated, give it a short description, put its featured image in the images folder under the static folder and add the filename after /static/images/ like /static/images/an_image.png or simply link to any image out there like featuredImage:, and finally tag it with the appropriate keywords in the array of tags like [Development, Node.js, Markdown].
You should now be able to see your post on the blog and click on it's title or it's Read the post button to access it !

Nota Bene: it's always a good idea to give your post the same file name as it's title for SEO !

So if the title of your post will be Just another dev journey story, the filename should be


The same logic applies to write a page. Create a Markdown file in the pages folder under the views folder. Press Ctrl+spacebar and choose the Blog-Doc Page Frontmatter to get the following snippet:

featuredImage: /static/images/

Also, give your page the same file name as it's title for SEO.

The page will be rendered on a route matching its file name. As an example, if your page filename is, this page would be accessible on a route like https://domain-name/pages/contact-me. Then, you'll be able to add a link to your page in the menu or anywhere else that suits your needs.

A page is generally informational, which is why I didn't add a date or a tags' array to the pages.
Keep in mind that everything in Blog-Doc can be modified, adapted or improved.


If you don't use VS Code, copy and paste the post or page front-matter above.
Please note that the content of a Markdown file starts two lines after its front-matter!
You should leave an empty line between the front-matter and the beginning of your post!
You can read more about the Markdown parser used for Blog-Doc by visiting its repository.
There is also a demo page for this parser where you can see how it works.

And that's how simply you can write posts and pages using Markdown in Blog-Doc, see you in the next one.