
A list of all the posts

The New Blog-Doc

A tiny flame in the darkness of error

In the vast landscape of Node.js apps, Blog-Doc shines as a tiny flame in the darkness of error.
It is a remarkable and unique combination of a Content Management System (CMS) a...

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Why Templates Are a Game Changer

Using template engine for specific pages

You might be wondering why we need a third type of file when we already have Markdown files for creating posts and pages. The magic of templates lies in their extended capabilities...

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Posts and Pages

Writing with Markdown

Creating posts and pages manually in Blog-Doc is a breeze! Please keep in mind that creating posts and pages from the administration interface is much easier and safer...

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The Markdown route

Rendering posts and pages

In the default folder within the routes directory, you'll find the markdownRoute.js file—this is essentially the heart and soul of Blog-Doc. It...

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The pagination component

Navigating between blog's pages

In this post, we’ll dive into the pagination component of the blog and how it appears on the front end.

The pagination component is managed by a file called pagination.html, w...

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The Main Route

The blog behind the curtains

The mainRoute.js file, found in the default folder within the routes directory, is where all the magic happens for the blog. It takes care of gathering, organizing, and s...

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Archive and tags

Archive and tags pages

The archive and tags pages look a lot like the blog page, but with one key difference: they don’t have pagination.

The archive page displays a reversed chronolo...

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The blog

How the blog works?

This post will give you an overview of the blog's design and features. We’ll look at how different elements are connected and how they work together. We'll also break down what’s e...

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What is Blog-Doc?

A brief introduction to Blog-Doc

Blog-Doc is the simplest Node.js CMS & SSG around! With Blog-Doc, you can easily Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) content through its intuitive [administration interface...

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  • 2022-08-26

    No description or tags

    This post is for testing the output of an article that doesn't have a description or even a tag. Everything seems to be okay since the display of the tags and their respective numb...

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    Excerpt length

    Testing the excerpt of posts

    In this post, I'm just trying to type some random text to see if the excerpt length will stop when I reach 180 characters. I also want to see how it looks like when the post is ren...

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    My first article

    This is the description of my first article

    This is the content of my first article

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