The New Blog-Doc

A tiny flame in the darkness of error

In the vast landscape of Node.js apps, Blog-Doc shines as a tiny flame in the darkness of error.
It is a remarkable and unique combination of a Content Management System (CMS) and a Static Site Generator (SSG) built entirely with Node.js.
While paying homage to the developers of other Node.js-based Static Site Generators, Blog-Doc sets itself apart by offering unparalleled simplicity and speed.

Nota bene

The previous post has been retained for demonstration purposes, but its content is no longer relevant to the new version of Blog-Doc.

Blog-Doc's latest version proudly employs:

  • Hono, small, simple, and ultrafast web framework for the Edges.
  • Eta, lightweight, powerful, pluggable embedded JS template engine.
  • Marked, Markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.

Motivation & Purpose

Blog-Doc was born out of a desire to create something truly efficient and straightforward.
I've realized that existing Static Site Generators often came with unnecessary complexities, resembling gasworks more than elegant solutions.
Blog-Doc is a passionate response to this challenge, aiming to provide a seamless experience for developers who seek a lightweight, fast, and user-friendly CMS and SSG.

Blazing Fast and Simple

Blog-Doc truly lives up to its name, offering blazing-fast performance and an incredibly simple configuration.
With zero code required for configuration, Blog-Doc can be effortlessly set up as both a Node.js CMS and a static site generator.
Its minimalist approach ensures that your site loads in the blink of an eye, free from any unnecessary functionalities.


Blog-Doc boasts a responsive, elegant, and simple layout. It comes with a ready-to-use template for blogs and documentation, which can be easily customized to suit different designs.


Blog-Doc is packed with a variety of powerful features, making it a versatile and practical tool for developers:

  • Front-end Administration: Easily manage your app directly from the front-end.
  • Gallery: Conveniently upload and manage images for your pages and posts.
  • Content Management: Create, read, update, and delete pages and posts with ease.
  • Paginated Blog: Enjoy a paginated blog with a customizable number of posts per page.
  • Markdown Support: Write your content using Markdown for a smooth and efficient writing experience.
  • HTML Support: Blog-Doc allows the use of HTML within Markdown for greater flexibility.
  • Tags: Organize your content with tags for easy navigation and categorization.
  • Featured Images: Assign featured images to your posts and pages for visual appeal.
  • Archive and Tags List: Benefit from archive and tags list routes for convenient browsing.
  • Titles & Meta Descriptions: Customize titles and meta descriptions for better SEO.
  • Drag and Drop Menu: Easily reorder menu links with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  • RSS Feed: Generate an RSS feed for your site to keep your audience updated.
  • Sitemap: Automatically generate a sitemap to enhance search engine discoverability.
  • Built-in Search: Enjoy a built-in search feature for quick content retrieval.
  • Code Highlighting: Utilize highlight.js for elegant code highlighting in your posts.
  • IDs for Headings: Automatically generate IDs for H2 to H4 heading tags for easier linking.
  • No Hot Reloading: Blog-Doc operates without the need for hot reloading during development.

What's Next?

I have exciting plans for future improvements.
The app will continue to evolve and receive updates, it's my personal contribution to the Node.js and Markdown communities.
Feedback, ideas, and suggestions from the community are warmly welcomed, and Blog-Doc invites developers to explore its potential and customize it for various projects.


Blog-Doc is a remarkable achievement in the world of Node.js CMS and SSGs.
Its simplicity, speed, and powerful features make it a standout choice for developers seeking a lightweight and efficient solution.
Whether used as a CMS on a Node.js server or deployed as a static site, Blog-Doc promises an enjoyable and productive experience.

Built with love and passion by LebCit, Blog-Doc stands as a testament to the boundless possibilities of Node.js and Markdown.
Embrace the simplicity and embark on a journey of creating delightful content with Blog-Doc.

Happy coding!